Arjana Blazic

sponsored by LEND
Arjana Blazic teaches English and German in Zagreb, Croatia. She is education technology advisor, e-learning designer, eTwinning ambassador, co-ordinator of the Croatian Future Classroom and member of the Croatian Special Task Force for Curriculum Design. Arjana holds a Master of Education from the Univesity of Zagreb and a Course Designer Diploma from the CARNet e-Learning Academy. She is a recipient of the 2014-2015 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Award at Penn State University, where she successfully completed a year-long Teaching and Learning with Technology programme.   Arjana is author and founder of award-winning projects, learning platforms and online and onsite professional development training courses. She has written articles about teaching and learning with technology and an ICT book for children.  Arjana  speaks at conferences, hosts teachmeets and Twitter chats, and leads workshops, seminars and webinars.

Anthony Calanducci

sponsored by OUP
Anthony Calanducci is a Senior Educational Consultant based in Sicily where he has been providing teacher training for more than ten years with Oxford University Press. He has taken particular interest in digital teaching and digital learning and has helped many teachers over the years to implement new technologies in the ELT classroom.

Do’ Coyle

sponsored by LEND ........................................................................................................................................................

Anne Gilleran

sponsored by LEND
Senior Pedagogical Adviser at eTwinning's Central Support Service ..................................................................................................................................................................

Dr Diana Hicks

sponsored by International Study Programmes, UK
Diana Hicks has been a consultant trainer for CLIL/Bilingual Comenius teacher training courses for twenty years and has produced materials for many primary and secondary  CLIL and bilingual teachers courses across the EU and South east Asia.
She has been writing content rich ELT textbooks for students from aged 4-18 for more than 25 years.
She regularly gives presentations at conferences and runs workshops in schools and colleges across the world.

Sarah Howell

sponsored by LEND

Manuela Kelly Calzini

Manuela Kelly Calzini was born in Northumberland, England, and graduated from the University of London. She is an experienced Teacher Trainer working mainly in EFL Teacher Education and Continuing Professional Development programmes. She is Academic Coordinator for Trinity College London in Italy. She is also author of the middle school coursebook Switch On, published by Zanichelli Editore, 2012 and co-author with Annie Broadhead and Ginni Light, of the B2 English coursebook Cult published by Black Cat, 2015. Her main research interests are communicative skills assessment and washback of language testing. Manuela is an EALTA member.

Jennifer Single

sponsored by OUP
Jennifer Single 11 is a Senior Educational Consultant for Oxford University Press in Italy, covering Tuscany, Umbria and Marche.  Her special interest areas are CLIL and Culture and as a result of studying for a degree in modern languages she is particularly interested in second language acquisition.  Jennifer has day to day contact with teacher and students in Italy and the needs they have in the classroom of today and in recent years has been increasingly involved in teacher training via webinar.

Maria K. Norton

sponsored by British Council
Maria’s working life has centred on language education, with roles in 3 continents during her 15 years with the British Council. With a PGCE (Secondary) in Teaching Modern Foreign Languages and an MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Southampton, 2000) she has trained 1000s of teachers and was a DELTA tutor. In 2014 Maria was conference director for the British Council EU policy dialogue conference: CLIL Policy and Practice: Competence-based education for employability, mobility and growth. This policy-level event produced a new draft strategy for CLIL in Europe. Since then Maria has managed training for teachers in CLIL, including through a blended model and bilingual school consultancies. A recent CLIL article by Maria is available here: sito web

Russell Stannard

sponsored by Express Publishing
Russell Stannard runs A website that offers free step by step help videos to get teachers using technology in their teaching.In 2013 it received over a quarter of a million unique visitors. Russell won the British Council ELTons award for technology and the Times Higher award for 'outstanding technology idea' He writes regular posts in the English Teaching Professional and Teacher Trainer and works part-time at the University of Westminster on the MA in ELT. Russell is also a NILE associate trainer and does consultancy work all over the world.

Teresa Ting

sponsored by LEND
After a degree in Biology as well as Psychology, Teresa completed a PhD in Neurobiology (USA), studying learning and memory in rats’ brains, in vivo and in vitro. After 15-plus years in biomedical research, she landed the dream job of teaching English to Italian university students’ brains, in vivo, which prompted her to obtained an MA-TEFL (UK). This has allowed her to continue researching learning and memory: after all, when we learn, we learn with our brain, and, although we cannot put electrodes in students’ brains (Alas!) we can research more effective ways to engage their learning organs (i.e. their brains… yes, if they are in class, they have one). While the combination of EFL and Science took her into CLIL in 2001, she has stayed in CLIL because of the realization that, when done well, CLIL naturally prompts teachers to devise more “brain-compatible” learning environments. A set of her CLIL materials received the 2013 ELTons Award (Macmillan Education Award for Innovative Writing); she was on an ECML research project entitled “CLIL and Literacy”; she is involved with CLIL Teacher-Training programmes in various countries (UK, Spain, Austria, Switzerland); in her free time, she prepares students at a local high school for the Cambridge IGCSE and teaches the verb “to be” to the University students of her dream job.