Sunday 28th August 2016
03:00 p.m. opening ceremony
Thread 1 - Creativity in EFL teaching
03:20 p.m. Creativity in ELT - Making not doing, Dr Diana Hicks, International Study Programmes, UK
04:00 p.m. Creativity - a challenge for classroom teacher Anne Gilleran, Senior Pedagogical Adviser at eTwinning's Central Support Service
04:40 p.m. coffee-break
05:00 p.m. Nurturing Creativity in the Language Class, Sarah Howell, textbook writer
05:40 p.m. question time
06:00 p.m. publishers’ exhibition
06:30 p.m. Teaching through presentation skills, Dimitris Koumpis, sponsored by Express Publishing
Monday 29th August 2016
Thread 1 - Creativity in EFL teaching
Three parallel workshops
09:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.
1 eTwinning supporting creativity, Anne Gilleran
2 Creative teaching or teaching for creativity? Manuela Kelly Calzini sponsored by Trinity College London
3 Let's give our class a creative makeover! Sarah Howell - for primary school teachers
01:00 p.m. - lunch break
Thread 2 - Digital skills in EFL teaching
02:30 p.m. Is technology transforming education? Russell Stannard, Express Publishing
03:15 p.m. Professional Development: Teaching English with Technologies, Jennifer Single, Anthony Calanducci, sponsored by OUP
Si consiglia di portare il proprio tablet o dispositivo portatile per poter seguire al meglio il workshop di Anthony Calanducci e Jennifer Single.
Participants are kindly requested to have their own tablets or laptop so as to take advantage of Anthony Calanducci and Jennifer Single’s workshop.
04:00 p.m. coffee break
04:30 p.m. The Future Is Now, Arjana Blazic.
Si consiglia di portare il proprio tablet o dispositivo portatile per poter seguire al meglio la plenaria e il workshop di Arjana Blazic.
Participants are kindly requested to have their own tablets or laptop so as to take advantage of Arjana Blazic’s plenary / workshop.
05:15 p.m. question time
05:30 p.m. publishers’ exhibition
06:30 p.m. Teaching and Learning 21st Century Skills through ELT, Dimitris Koumpis, sponsored by Express Publishing
Tuesday 30th August 2016
Thread 2 - Digital skills in EFL teaching
Three parallel workshops
09:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.
1 Why blogging is so useful, Russell Stannard
2 eTwinning - the most exciting community for schools in Europe, Arjana Blazic
Si consiglia di portare il proprio tablet o dispositivo portatile per poter seguire al meglio la plenaria e il workshop di Arjana Blazic.
Participants are kindly requested to have their own tablets or laptop so as to take advantage of Arjana Blazic’s plenary / workshop.
3Lesson Planning with Digital Resources for the Primary Class, Jennifer Single, Anthony Calanducci, OUP - for primary school teachers
Si consiglia di portare il proprio tablet o dispositivo portatile per poter seguire al meglio il workshop di Anthony Calanducci e Jennifer Single.
Participants are kindly requested to have their own tablets or laptop so as to take advantage of Anthony Calanducci and Jennifer Single’s workshop.
01:00 p.m. - lunch break
Thread 3 - CLIL and Pluriliteracies
02:30 p.m. Plenary 1, Where next for CLIL? Adopting a holistic approach to integrated learning, Do’ Coyle, ECML Graz
03:15 p.m. Why Content is a good partner for Language Teresa Ting, LEND
Teresa would like you to install a QR Code Reader on your Smartphones or Tablets (preferable): there are several free apps from either Google Play or Apple-Store so check that the version you install works well.
04:00 p.m. question time
04:30 p.m. coffee-break
05:00 p.m. publishers’ exhibition
05:30 p.m. Sarah Breslin, Director of ECML (Graz) will present the activities of the European Centre for Modern Languages.
Wednesday 31st August 2016
Thread 3 - CLIL and Pluriliteracies
Four parallel workshops
09:00 a.m. - 01:00 p.m.
1 workshop 1, Do’ Coyle
2 Teacher Talk and Student Talk in the CLIL classroom. Maria Norton, British Council - for CLIL teachers
3 CLIL… a solution for both Task Complexity (the FL challenge) and Text Complexity (the Content challenge), Teresa Ting, LEND
4 Making CLIL work for everyone, Diana Hicks - for primary school teachers
01:00 p.m. - closing ceremony